Category: wedding

A live painter for your wedding in Provence, France

A live painting during a wedding ceremony in Provence, France

Three artistic entertainments during the same wedding: live portrait, live painting , and wedding book !

I have been a live wedding painter in France since 2016 now, and this is the first and only time that a client has ordered me to make three artistic entertainments during the same wedding! Ambitious challenge !

I have firstly been contacted by Aurelie ROUSSIE, the wedding planner from Love & Provence, for a wedding taking place in Orgon in Provence (South of France). She was looking for a live painter, and I was supposed to paint live one or two scenes. When the future weds have seen my previous wedding live paintings, and my watercolor wedding books, they have willed to get both of them !

Then, the “welcome dinner” party has come during which I was supposed to paint live portraits of guests…

Live portraits of guests

Original entertainment for wedding guests

It is Friday, the day before the wedding. The bride and groom have organized a Welcome dinner for their loved ones who come from far away. Indeed, Chloe and Christopher are both English natives and they live in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. But they absolutely wanted to get married in Provence, one of the beautiful place in France…

The welcome cocktail receives guests who arrive gradually.

And I settle down to start drawing couples.

Each one leaves with their own small live-painted watercolor portrait. A nice keepsake of this wedding in Provence for the guests !

Live painting of the secular ceremony

The different steps of a live painting during a wedding ceremony

On Saturday, it is the Big Day !

I set up my easel in early afternoon to begin to draw the landscape on my sheet.

The live painting scene before the ceremony

Then, each guest sits on their place and secular ceremony can begin. It is the most intensive moment for me : I have to draw as many guests as I can during the short time the ceremony is lasting !

This is still the moment when the guests are not moving a lot ! This is my drawing since the ceremony has finished :

The live painting scene after the wedding ceremony

As guests are toasting to the happiness of newlyweds and going to dinner place, I start adding colors.

Chloe and Christopher come to see the evolution of my painting

The newlyweds and the live painter after the wedding ceremony, Provence, France

I avail till the last lights of the day to paint the landscape. Then with my easel, I join the party in the reception hall.

My painting is changing during all evening. The guests come to take a look at it oftenly. They always find funny to see themselves represented in the painting !

And now this is the final result, after some finishes in my painting studio :

Live painting for a wedding in the Alpilles, Provence

The wedding book : a watercolor album of wedding highlights

An original album to remember the wedding day

As I have live painted during wedding day, I have made this wedding book from pictures made by Oliver Fly , the official wedding photographer.

All day and night long were in this wonderful Provençal mas : the Mas of the Rose in Orgon.

Wedding book in watercolor with the beautiful wedding place: Le Mas de la Rose in Provence

It is such a real perfect reception place for English lovers who wanted to get married in heart of Provence : the old stones of the house, the lavender fields, olive trees…

The future weds have been preparing each on their own, Chloe with her mom, Christopher with his dad.

The ceremony begins, Chloe’s father leads her daughter to his future son-in-law

painting of a wedding cerrmony outside in Provence

Under the watchful eye of Brian, the bride and groom’s dog

painting during a wedding ceremony in Provence, the groom giving the ring to the bride

And it is time to toast to the hapyness of newlyweds !

Then comes the time for speeches, and especially Christopher’s one which is very touching when he declares his burning love to his wife just in front of an audience with wet eyes !

Wedding painting during the speech of the groom

Finally the wedding cakes are brought

live painting for the wedding cake while the groom kiss the bride

The first dance…

Wedding painting for the first dance of the bride and groom

And the early bride !

Watercolor painting of the bride dancing with her friends during her wedding

And that’s how Chloe and Christopher have got married in Provence and will keep really exceptional memories of their wedding, thanks to my paintings!

And what about you?

Have you found an original wedding entertainment?

Would you also like to keep a special memory of this unique day?

Contact me and let’s talk about your desires for your wedding !

Collaborative painting: a creative way to entertain your wedding’s guests

An artistic entertainment for wedding: collaborative painting, Toulon, South of France

An original entertainment to amaze your guests during your wedding !

Today, I would like to tell you the story of Fanny and Cyril’s wedding, in the South of France.
A few months before the wedding, I have whispered to the bride’s sister the idea of an original entertainment : the collaborative painting. She was delighted about this idea ! But we have decided to keep the secret of this entertainment idea until the D-Day…

Before the wedding

Graphic searches before painting

First, I have begun to work with the sister : we have thought about the thematic of the painting, the colors which could be beautiful with the newlyweds home decoration, the artistic style… After a long brainstorming, we have finally found the theme of the painting : the destination of their honeymoon, Japan! I had to create a composition with a Japanese temple, some cherry blossoms, and to find an artistic and contemporary style…
I have worked in my studio to draw the first sketch :

The sister was enjoyed by this first sketch ! Great ! 😀

I was satisfied to have succeeded to give a contemporary style to this oriental but classical theme with my drawing.

Then, I could add colors to reflect a better idea of the final result !

When the sister approved the final sketch, I could paint the base coat on the canvas, and add the drawing of the temple, the cherry blossoms, and the abstract geometric shapes.

During the wedding

A very beautiful place for getting married in the South of France

The wedding venue is an authentic house of Provence : Le Domaine d’Orvès. A really perfect place for this intimate wedding in the South of France. I am delighted to discover such a lovely wedding venue in Provence.

Wedding venue with an authentic house of Provence: Le Domaine d'Orves
A perfect place for a wedding venue in Provence: Le Domaine d’Orves

A beautiful symbolic ceremony in the garden… and I take place with my easel, and canvas.

The bride and groom have discovered my entertainment at the end of the ceremony, and added one of the first touch of colors on their bespoke artwork !

At the beginning of the afternoon, all the guests thought that it was an entertainment for children… But they were wrong ! Collaborative painting is really an entertainment for all ages ! From 5 to 99 years old ! Some guests have enjoyed the entertainment so much that they came back several times during the day to add colors !! And I can ensure that it was a perfect way for both families to get to know each other with a funny way !

After the wedding

The painting is finished the day of the wedding, and newlyweds can bring it home with them ! They will keep a unique piece of Art, painted by their family and friends…

Photo credit: Gaëlle P photographie

The bride testimonial

“It was a great moment for all guests!

A creative entertainment during cocktail reception. Everyone wanted to paint a small part of the painting ! The artwork occupies a special place in our living room and each person who comes home remembers what he has painted, a flower, a shape. A beautiful memory for us. Thank you Kiara !”

Looking for an original Entertainment for your wedding in France? Liking my collaborative painting concept? Contact me for more informations!


A truly original wedding gift for bride and groom

Watercolor painting for a wedding: the live music group

A wedding-book : an original wedding gift idea

The wedding paint-book of an original wedding in Spain

Today I would like to tell you the story of Aurore and François. Both of them are French and they have decided to get married in Spain. Everything has started when I met Elisabeth, the bride’s mother, during an Art exhibition in the South of France. She is also a fine Art painter, and obviously we were talking about Art during this event. When I have told her about my work as wedding painter, her eyes have lit up ! Her daughter was going to get married in the next few months… And she was losing the hope to find an original gift idea for the couple. So I have explained her my new concept of wedding-books with original watercolor paintings, and she was delighted about this idea !

Before the wedding
Reflexion about paintings which will be in the wedding-book

First, Elisabeth had to think about the moments she wanted to be in the wedding-book. The moments I would paint ! The bride’s preparing, the wedding venue, the ceremony, of course, the bridesmaids, cocktail time, the dinner (the witnesses speeches?), the wedding cake, the first dance… And surely other unexpected moments !
Then, the bride’s mother had to give me the pictures of all the guests who would be painted. It would be much easier for me to recognize the people I would have to draw !

Why did they get married in Spain?

The bride’s family comes from Spain: the grandfather still lives in Spain. The bride parents have a vacation house in Denia (in eastern Spain, near Valencia). Aurore loves this home, and this place. She has spent lots of summer holidays there. And for her wedding, she wanted above all to get married under the orange trees !

The day before the wedding… The bachelorette party

Witnesses, friends and bride’s family had planned a big party the day before the wedding. It was a costume party, and the theme was : « Come with your celtic costume Â». And the bride herself, has worn a celtic wedding dress.

A friend costumed as a druid, spreads evil spirits with a Galician ritual. You will see, there have been many rituals during this wedding !

The wedding day

Each page of the wedding-book shows a symbolic moment of the day

In France we say : Mariage pluvieux, mariage heureux ! Â» ( literally « Rainy wedding, happy wedding !). Aurore and François will have a very happy wedding ! The rain has invited itself to the wedding…

All the guests were sheltered under a marquee, to attend the ceremony outside.

And it was the beginning of many rituals :

  • the candles ritual (or light ritual) ; the bride and groom have both carried a candle for each of them. They have gathered they respective candles to light a third candle, symbolizing their destiny’s union. Three other candles were symbolizing the Time : Past, Present and Future.
  • The orange tree plantation ; as I have explained above, the bride absolutely wanted to get married under orange trees. During the ceremony, Aurore, Fransois and Hugo (the son) have planted an orange tree symbolizing their love that would grow day after day.
  • The handfasting cords (literally « Tying the knot Â»): a tradition from Celtic origin. This ancient tradition of handfasting represents a deep spiritual union between a man and a woman. There were 13 ribbons of 13 different colors. Each color of cord had a meaning (blue : understanding, patience, health / red : courage, sexuality, passion / white : peace, sincerity / yellow : harmony, communication…). Thirteen relatives of Aurore and François came each in turn, to tie one ribbon around their hands.

Then came the long-awaited moment : the wedding rings exchange! And the witnesses signatures.

That’s it ! They were married ! The party could start !

Another ritual during the dinner : an oriental ritual from Algeria. A section of cut hair, a knotted belt (symbol of union between the newlyweds), and Aurore had to drink milk and to eat dates, sign of fertility and good relation in the couple.

And the last ritual for the wedding cake : the bride and groom had to cut the cake with… a sword !!


« I wanted to amaze the newlyweds, by offering them a unique and original gift … and I met Kiara during an exhibition! A truly talented artist! She has proposed me to paint all the important moments of the wedding in watercolor and to group them in an album that I would offer to the newlyweds after the wedding … I had finally found THE original and artistic present that I was looking for! The result was magnificent, touching and unique! Kiara creates watercolors from what she sees or from photos with her very personal own style and signature. She establishes an harmony between her painting and Reality. She creates a real piece of Art, for which you are one of the models. Believe me, offering an original paintingnin which we can relive those moments of happiness through the artist’s eyes is something unique! Â»

Elisabeth, the bride’s mother

Looking for an original wedding gift? Liking my wedding-book concept? Contact me for more informations!


Live event painting in Italy, during the Venice carnival

The artist's hand draws a woman during an event in Venice, Italy.


Live painting with portraits of the guests during this special event

Today I would like to tell you about how I arrived to a private disguised event in Venice… During the most famous carnival in Italy ! All has started when I met Denis Durand, a French fashion designer, during a wedding fair in Grasse (South of France). As usual, I was drawing live during this event, and when Denis has seen me painting, it became an obviousness for him! He explained me that he was planning a private party during the Venice carnival, in Italy. Therefore, he has suggested me to take part to this event with my pencils and my brushes… And asked me if I wanted to paint live portraits of the costumed guests! It was really an exciting idea !!!

Before the event

I have traveled to Venice many times, but never during the carnival. It was the perfect opportunity ! Once travel and accomodation issues have been resolved (not really easy during this busy period of carnival…)… I had to find a disguise ! The theme of the evening was : The Vampire ball !

You certainly think it is easy to find a vampire disguise… But we were supposed to wear some 17th or 18th century costumes !! Fortunately, I have found a beautiful vampire dress and an extravagant wig in a costume shop in Nice (France)… Phew !

THE PLACE OF THE PARTY : Palazzo Morosini, Venezia

Behind San Toma church, I have discovered the palace where the party will take place. A baroque palace from the 17th century… Back to the past with several bourgeois living rooms, chandeliers, stucco, and frescoes in each room… Back in the Venice of old days. A perfect place for a Vampire ball !

The party was about to begin. The first costumed guests arrived in a movie set : that evening the mist invaded the streets of the city… Brrrr…

Live portrait during the event

The ball could begin : I was ready to sketch the vampire guests ! I have to tell you : It was a real pleasure for me to draw during this special event. It is so exceptional to have the possibility to paint live costumed people…

My live portraits were not the only artistic entertainment during the evening. The guests could have also enjoyed :

the talented violonist Angie, with her electronic violin ;

a striptease by the magnificent Sucre d’Orge ;

the charm of the lyric singer Sonja Jansen ;

And finally the vampire contest, the election of Mr and Mrs Dracula!!

It was sometimes hard to keep focused on my paintings with all those artistic entertainments, but I have finally suceeded in drawing several disguised guests.

A special thank you to Denis Durand for organizing this fabulous party. I was really lucky by taking part to it. It was a huge pleasure to paint those guests with their fabulous costumes, and to relive the life of Venice in the old days…

Photo Credit : ID Media Cannes, MN Archambault and Alexandre Lollini

Looking for a live event painter? Liking my live portraits? Contact me for more informations!